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Most Innovative People in Computer Technology.

Most Innovative and Genius People always keep a great personality in the field of science and technology. Some of the most innovative people in the computer field describe in this article.

Alex Kipman.

Source: Zdnet.com

Kipman was born in Brazil and graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2001 with a degree in software engineering. He is the best developer of Kinect, the most successful product in Microsoft stable.

Alex Kipman is a technical fellow for AI and mixed reality in the cloud and AI group at Microsoft an Innovator at heart.

Kipman has led four major break-through products for the company, including Kinect in 2010.

Kipman has been named as the primary inventor on more than 100 patents since joining Microsoft in 2001. His dedication to creating new experiences with cutting edge technology propelled Kinect.

The gesture-based controller is meant to provide controller less experience for the players of Microsoft’s X-Box, through countless “Kinect Hacks” that has come up with a number of creative uses, including hacking the device to dispense candy and it to create a virtual fitting room.

Kipman currently works for Microsoft, where he develops other products and works on Windows.

Lauren States.

Source: en.Wikimedia.org

Lauren States has a degree in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Lauren States is a former chief of technology and then vice president of strategy and transformation for IBM’s software group Sales Division.

Lauren States is responsible for their cloud computing strategy, which includes the smarter planet initiative and business analytics. Smarter planet focuses on how companies use technology to prosper, develop economically and move society forward through innovation.

Lauren States joined IBM after attending college in 1990s, where she quickly climbed the ladder.

Lauren States launched IBM’s internal leadership development program and appears on IBM smarter planet Tv commercials. She learnt to program in COBOL and discovered a gift of technology.

Min-Liang Tan.

Source: forbes.com

Min-Liang Tan attended Raffles Institution and Hwa Chong Junior College prior to attending university and graduated with a Master of Law and ranked top 20 in Singaporean entrepreneur. He is co founder, CEO and creative Director of development of all Razer products.

Larry Ellison.

Source: CNBC.com

Lawrence Joseph Ellison is full form of Larry Ellison.

Lawrence Joseph Ellison is an American Businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist who is a co founder and the executive chairman and chief technology officer of Oracle Corporation.

Oracle is the second largest independent computer software company next to Microsoft. Lawrence Joseph Ellison is infamous for his ego and doesn’t like to be in second place to make himself wealthiest man in the USA. He acquired more than 40 companies like Sun Microsystems in 2009. He also good investor in Salesforce and major stockholder in Netsuite.

Marissa Mayer.


Marissa Mayer is graduate from Stanford university.

Marissa Mayer is the president and CEO of Yahoo. She is the most visible woman in tech is constantly surrounded by the controversy. She started out as Employee No. 22 at Google company’s first female engineer.

Marissa Mayer’s controversy stems from her decisions at Yahoo!. She also sits on the board of Directors of Walmart.

Robby Walker.

Source: skoll.org

Robby Walker is the co founder of Zenter and PowerPoint like program. A PowerPoint like program which was brought by Google in 2007 at the age of 23.

The Zenter app is became part of Google App’s presentation software and was intended to be a replacement for PowerPoint.

Robby Walker worked at Google for three years working to improve the software before leaving to work on his current startup, cue which he co launched with co founder Daniel Gross. Cue is a mobile app that turns emails, calendars and Social media into an easily usable day planner.

Leah Busque.

Source: Inc.com

Leah Busque is the founder of TaskRabbit. She got knowledge of a website and mobile app when she was working at IBM as software engineer.

Mobile app allows users to outsource small jobs and errands. TaskRabbit is becomes a huge success. Her idea has lead to a cottage industry and service networking company.

Stephen Wolfram.

Source: trauring.org

Stephen Wolfram is a British American Computer Scientists, Physicist and Businessman. He is known for his work in computer science, mathematics and in theoretical physics search engine is invested by him as best creator.

Blog of Stephen Wolfram is Stephen Wolfram Blog.

The Wolfram language is the programming language used in mathematics. He is CEO of Wolfram Research.

Sebastian Thrun.

Source: en.Wikipedia.org

Sebastian Thrun is Germany Computer Scientists and CEO of Kitty Hawk Cooperation, Chairman and co-founder of Udacity. He is an innovator, entrepreneur educator. Before that he was a Google VP and Fellow a professor of Computer Science at Stanford university and before that at Carnegie Mellon university.

Clara Shih.

Source: SFGate.com

Clara Shih is scholar at the university of Oxford. She is CEO and founder of Hearsay Social.

A Social networking tool used by such high profile companies as JPmorgan, Chase, Goldman, Sachs, Allstate and more.

Clara Shih work as an engineer in Microsoft, Google and Salesforce.

In 2007. Clara developed the first social business app for Facebook called Faceforce. She is the board of Starbucks and author of bestselling business book. “The Facebook Era” which Harvard Business School routinely uses as a marketing textbook.

Ben Sibermann.

Source: CNet.com

Ben Sibermann is the co founder and CEO of Pinterest i.e. the web based sharing social media. He work in Google for few time. He start his own company. Pinterest uses for collect and organise thoughts, projects and dreams. At the recent count, pinterest boasts more than 40 million users.

Bryan Cantrill.

Source: en.Wikipedia.org

In 2005, Bryan Cantrill invested DTrace, a realtime way to test software problems that has forever changed diagnostics. He work at Sun Micro Systems and transitioned to Oracle. He move to cloud company Joyent as a chief technology officer.

Joyent is the face of node which is used by big name companies like Microsoft, Uber, Yahoo, eBay, LinkedIn and more.

These People are Genius in computer technology and prove Successful in Career.

About Author

Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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