Amazing Stories & Facts Did You Know?

Heart Touching Story of Anne Frank.

Anne Frank born at Frankfurt, Germany on 12 June 1929. She was innocent and good looking girl.

Anne Frank was a German Jewish girl. Frank’s family was a middle class Jewish family. During World War II Ann and her family hid in a house to escape the persecution of Jews. Anneliese Marie Frank, Anne Frank & Anne Frank were Jewish girls who were beheaded.

Who is Anne Frank?.

Anne Frank is a German Jewish girl. Her life story is heart touching. She was the happiest girl with her sister and parents. But Germany’s persecution of Hitler changed her life.

Anne Frank.

Anne Frank is one of the millions of victims of the persecution of the Jews during World War II. Her family were shifted to the Netherlands in a secret house. She and her family spent 2 years and 35 days in a house.

Anne Frank’s Diary.

Anne got a diary from her father on her 13th birthday. She likes writing a diary. In a house she wrote a diary of her life history.

Tours of the Secret Annex.

The Secret Annex is a house where Frank’s family and Anne were hiding to escape. In Secret Annex Anne wrote a diary of her everyday life history.

Anne Frank’s Life in Hiding .

But after 2 years and 35 days, she and her family with 4 other Jewish were arrested and sent to a concentration camp. Anne and her sister died due to Typhus fever and infectious diseases at Bergen Belsen concentration camp.

Anne died after her sister’s death. She died in 1945.

The Diary of Anne Frank.

Do You Know About the Facts of Anne Frank ?

After Anne’s death, her father published her diary. “The Diary of a Young girl” is a diary book written by Anne Frank. Watch videos and know the life history of Anne Frank.

This is a heart touching story of Anne’s life.

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Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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