
Do you Know about National Portal of India ?

The National Portal of India provides a single window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government departments.

The Indian Government gives information regarding various topics, services, My Government, People Groups, India at a Glance on this website.

Various Topics
My Government.
People Groups.
India At a Glance.

These various tasks are carried out by the Government of India. The government of India is available and communicates with the people of India to know people’s opinions.

Mann Ki Baat is a way to share your ideas and suggestions with the PM. Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas Sabka Prayas is one of the best mantras followed by the Government of India. Jan Shikshan Sansthan is a scheme of support to Jan shikshan santhan for skill development. Mission Amrit Sarovar is reviving and rejuvenating 75 water bodies in every district. Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission is also one of the best for villages. Sardar Patel national unity award is given nominated people of india.

Various information and various missions are carried by Govenment of India to grow India.

About Author

Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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