Diet & Nutrition Health Health Advise

Tips for Your healthy Life.

A Healthy Life gives you a happy life. A happy life brings a smile for a whole day. Everyone likes to be fit and healthy. Some tips are useful to stay healthy.

Useful Tips for Your Life.

Being happy with your family and smile every time are the best medicine for your health. Health is very important to remain healthy. Peace, love and happiness brings success in life. What is the most important thing in life ?. You may bring happiness and love.

Love Yourself.


Loving yourself is the key to live a healthy. Loving yourself will work miracles in your life. Love to your family members and love yourself brings a positive attitude in life which improves your health and reduces your stress and tension from your life. A happy life always brings confidence in work and improves your health.

Loving relationships can reduce stress, anxiety and depression which boost the immune system.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that people who exhibit positive emotions are less likely to get sick after exposure to cold or flu viruses. Happiness & positive emotions play a important role in health than previously thought, according to a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine by Prof. Sheldon. Cohen.

“Love Yourself for a Healthy Life” is guru mantra for your healthy and happy life.

Focus on the Good Life.

Feeling better around your surroundings also brings happiness and success. Your house surrounding is one of better to bring a positive attitude to life. So focusing on the good may change your mindset which is beneficial for your health.

Positive living is also help to remains healthy. Give positive power to each of your moments by giving positive focus to your thoughts. Love, respect, admire and treasure brings a positive attitude. This lifestyle brings a positive life.

Your happiness, success, good focus brings a positive attitude which improves your immune system.

Eat Well.


Diet is one of best to remains fit. Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains, low fat milk are best for health. Drink water, walk and eat small are better to stay healthy. A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms as well as NCDs. NCDs are noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. So focus on healthy diets and avoid junk foods.

Healthy diets are an important source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, proteins and antioxidants which are beneficial for your health.

Cook food with less ghee, oil and butter. Eat seafood, fruits and vegetables. Irregular and untimely food can have a negative effect on your health. Maintains food routines for better health.

Morning Routine.

Walking, running, exercises and yoga improves your health. Early morning wake-ups are the best morning routine for health. Health is very important to stay fit. Physical activity in the morning may help to improve your health.

Walking in the morning is best for your health. Overall health can be improve with walking. Walking for 30 minutes daily can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess fat, and boost muscles. Reduces the risk of Heart Disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer by walking regularly.

Running helps to build strong bones, strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness, burns kilojoules, maintains weights. Regular running increases your lung capacity and strengthens your health. Running for 30 minutes is the best routine for your health.


Mental health is also important for your health. This routine can reduce your stress and maintains peace in mind. Exercise and yoga can improve both your physical and mental health. This routine reduces stress, increases creativity, eliminates anxiety and depression, maintains memory.


Pranayama is the best routine for your health. According to ancient yogic science, ‘Prana’, or the fundamental basis of life force, is a universal energy that gives vitality and life to all living beings.

Pranayama improves physical, mental and spiritual wellness.

Some Good Habits.

Some good habits like sleeping well at night and drinking water are also very important to stay healthy. Sleeping for 7-8 hours in the night regularly also reduces stress and tension from your body and mind. Drink 7-8 glass of water a day also improves your digestion system and boosts your health.

These are best tips for healthy life.

About Author

Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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