Amazing Stories & Facts Education & Career

Bill Gates’s Success Story.

Microsoft owner Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. His full name is William Henry Gates. He is a well known personality in the field of computers. Microsoft Windows is useful for every computer as O.S. He always tries for desire in life. Achievement of life focus is an important part of genius. He focuses on the computer field business.

The Early Life of Bill Gates.

Bill Gate is son of William H. Gates and Mary Maxwell Gates. His sisters Kristianne and Libby love very much on him. He grew up in an upper middle class family.


Bill Gates dropped out student from Harvard University in 1973 to study pre-law and mathematics. He took a graduate level computer science course. His IQ test score is 160 IQ.

Bill Gates Makes Tic Tac Toe Game Using BASIC Programming in School Time. He met Paul Allen at school. Both were best friends. An interesting fact is that both were interested in computers. He also made another software program Time table schedule. In 1970, he and Paul made a program for city traffic patterns. Both get $20000 for this program. This is first earning.

Establishment of Microsoft Company.

On 4 April 1975, Bill Gates started his own company Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Now it has become the world’s largest personal computer software company. Success can be achieved with hard work.

Microsoft Corporations.

CEO – Satya Nadella (Feb 4, 2014), Headquarters – Redmond, Washington, United States, President – John W. Thompson and Founders – Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Microsoft is a software company for Windows Operating Systems, Microsoft Office and Microsoft software applications.

Number of employees166,475 (2020), Total assets: US 301.3 billion (2020),Net incomeUS 44.3 billion (2020) and Revenue: US 143 billion (2020) of Microsoft Corporations.

Bill Gates achieved a goal with hard work. The popularity of Bill Gates is spread all over the world because of big changes in the field of computers. He is an American business magnate, software developer, investor, authors & philanthropist.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helps the needy people. This is a trust for donation. Clarity is also most likely by Bill Gates.

This has been an amazing success for Bill Gates.

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Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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