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Who is Galileo Galilei?

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician and philosopher. He was born on February 15, 1564 at Pisa, Italy. He was an Italian scientist and founder of modern physics. He was the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei.

Educational history.

In 1581, he was started study of medicine degree at the University of Pisa. He was 16 years old. He was not interested in medicine so he left the study. After that he was started study in mathematics. But he was left to study because of his father’s financial problems in 1585. He continued his mathematics studies on his own and earned money by giving private lessons before returning to the university of Pisa in 1589 to teach maths.

Why Galileo Galilei called Father of Modern Physics?

Galileo Galilei discovers in the fields of physics and motion. Laws of universe was also redefined by him. Earth’s Orbits, the Principles of Pendulum, the law of falling bodies, Astrological discoveries, Mathematical Paradigm of natural law are the main discoveries made by him.

Galileo Galilei was genius in physics and mathematics. Watch the video to learn more about him.

  • Craters and mountains on the Moon. The Moon’s surface was not smooth and perfect as received wisdom had claimed but rough, with mountains and craters whose shadows changed with the position of the Sun.
  • The phases of Venus.
  • Jupiter’s moons. .
  • The stars of the Milky Way.
  • The first pendulum clock.

These are research done by Galileo Galilei. He is known as the father of science.

Amazing Facts about Galileo Galilei.

These are the facts about Galileo Galilei.

Source: CrossExplained.org

The Catholic Church disapproved theories of Galileo.

In 1616, Galileo’s discoveries were met with opposition within the Roman Catholic Church and the inquisition declared heliocentrism to be formally heretical. His book was banned. His punishment was commutated to “Villa arrest” for the rest of his life. He died in 1642.

After 350 years, Vatican says Galileo Galilei was right. We are proud of Galileo’s Invention.

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Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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