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Mysteries !! Do You Know ?

Some Mysteries brings many questions to mind. You may read about Mysteries. Mystery that really brings questions about what is truth. These are the answers less. Read carefully this articles.

Whitechapel London 1888 Murder History

In 1888 Whitechapel, London, from August to November, five women’s murder with same type were done. Police investigate and try to solve the case but fails to found about Killer. Unanimous letter received by Police.

Unanimous Letter

Mary Nichols – Murdered on 31st August 1888 , Annie Chapman – Murdered on 8th September 1888, Elizabeth Stride – Murdered on 30th September 1888, Catherine Eddowes – Murdered on 30th September 1888, Mary Kelly – Murdered on 9th November 1888. These are murdered women.

A letter from Jack the Ripper was sent to police. However, after an investigation by the police, it was found that the letter was false. But the name Jack the Ripper was spread in Whitechapel, London. The people of London knew about Killer “Jack the Ripper” in their mind but this is not true. After more tries and investigation, it was not found about the killer of five women. Who was Killer ? This is a Mystery. This question arises in everyone’s mind.

The people of London are interested in this mystery after 130 years.

This is the mystery of Serial Killer “Jack the Ripper”.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy was born 29 may 1917 at Brooklyn Massachusetts, United States. He was a Harvard Graduate. He was not interested in father’s Politics. He was medically disqualified from the Army. He won a Pulitzer Prize. He was born into a rich, politically connected Boston family of Irish Catholics.

The 35th President of the USA was John F. Kennedy on 20 Jan 1961. But he was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963 at 12.30 p.m. Central Standard Time in Dallas, Texas while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for killer. But after 57 years later, Many question arises.

Two days later, Oswald was fatally shot by local nightclub owner Jack Ruby on live television in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters. Many questions about the assassination of John Kennedy remain a mystery.

These are theories come behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

These are two mysteries. Do You Know ? I can assume you know it well now. Mystery means many questions stand behind mystery which are never solved. These two events tell you no more about the answer. This article tells you about unsolved Mystery.

You have a question.

“Who is Killer of Five Women ? Who is ‘Jack the Ripper? “Who was mainly behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy?.

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Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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