Book Reviews

DOS Books for Beginners

Disk Operating System Books gives the learning knowledge on DOS. The basic operating system of the computer is a disk operating system. DOS commands are useful for your general command for computer.

Disk Operating System is a fundamental Operating System for computers. DOS is a platform independent acronym for the Disk Operating System.


MS-DOS is an operating system useful for x-86 based personal computers. The Operating System is a set of programs that lie between applications.

The Books gives the whole commands useful for Disk Operating System.

The “Disk Operating System” by Dr. Suhas Rokde is best books to improve the DOS commands.


DOS is the Microsoft Disk Operating Systems of Bill Gate’s Microsoft foundation for basic purposes for personal computers.

O.S. is a software that manages computer hardware, keeping track of files & directories on the disk, sending output to the display screen and controlling peripheral devices.

Basic fundamentals and DOS basics along with Disk Operating System Command can easily understand and improve the DOS. This book gives you knowledge on Disk Operating System.

“Disk Operating System” by Dr. Suhas Rokde is a good learning book for fundamental and basic command on DOS.

You can easily improve the DOS command from these books.

About Author

Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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