Health Health Advise

Pollution is dangerous to increase Covid 19.

Pollution may also increase the cases of Covid 19. This air pollution increases the risk of Coronavirus. Along with this problem, Covid 19 pandemic has trouble anyway. The number of Covid 19 patients is increasing due to this problem. This is worrying situation.

Delhi is becomes polluted city and deteriorated in the last two weeks. This is very bad for flight coronavirus.

Experts say the pollutants could also aid the spread of coronavirus.

Research on Air Pollution and Covid 19.


Lancet Says that due to an increase in air pollution levels, cases of Covid 19 may increases by 13%.

An Indian Medical Authority report says that one out of every eight Covid cases is caused by pollution.

The research team led by Dr. Francesca Dominici at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, set out to estimate the risk of death in older adults. from short term exposure to air pollution. This is associated with an 8% increase in Covid-19 death rate.

Study estimates exposure to air pollution increases Covid 19 deaths by 15% worldwide.

Why Pollution is dangerous ?

Air becomes even more toxic and dens (dense) due to pollution. Virus of air borne diseases can remain in the air for a long time. Covid 19 with Pollution may harm your body. This will increase more problems in the body.

Cell Damage Issue.

Body Cells are damage due to pollution. Body parts are damaged due to the risk of cellular damage. White blood cells are in flight Covid Virus. This can take more time.

Heart Disease Issue.

Pollution increases chronic inflammation in the body. This increases the risk of heart disease and obesity. Due to chronic inflammation in the body causes blockage in the arteries and cells of the body. This led to the problems of breathing. The higher the risk of heart disease may be caused if someone becomes Covid 19.

Hypertension is one factor which poses a risk to cardio health and is bad for Covid 19. This tends to

Respiratory Disease Issue.

Pollution increases Covid 19 virus also causes shortness of breathing and affects the lungs. PM2.5 Pollution increases blockage in lungs and chest. This is respiratory diseases Issue. This issue is very dangerous.

These are three dangerous diseases. Keep Yourself away from Pollution.

About Author

Hey Greetings and Love to all. Myself Vishwas is a Computer Engineer. I like to share my knowledge and share experiences from my previous experiences. I love my India.
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